Call our automobile lockout service

Call us if you have ever accidentally locked yourself out of your automobile! Our locksmiths are ready to fix your car lock problems throughout day and into the evening.

Emergency Automotive Assistance car lock out

Getting locked out of your car or truck — whether you’re in your driveway or stranded away from home — always brings a sense of dread. It can happen for many different reasons: lost keys, keys inadvertently locked inside the vehicle, or even electronic key-entry failures. It’s easy to begin to panic, but being prepared will help you know who to contact in an emergency.

Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside assists with lockout services. If you’re ever locked out of your car, don’t worry. We will show up and help you get back into your vehicle to get you back to your life.

car lock service near me

Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside offers our unlock vehicle service for a flat rate and can service a variety of newer and older vehicles. If you give us a call at (971) 350-7336 our auto locksmith expert will be on site as soon as possible to help unlock your car door. We train our vehicle lockout specialists to unlock your locked vehicle without causing vehicle damage, scratches or dents.

Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside team of car lockout have the tools and training to quickly get your vehicle open. When relying on Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside you can expect your vehicle lockout service provider to be professional, quick and avoid any vehicle damage when unlocking your car.

car lockout services pricing

For a flat rate our specially trained vehicle locksmiths will get you back into your vehicle and on the road in no time. With a service time of 30 minutes or less Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside is premier car unlocking service. When you call please have your vehicle make, model, and year ready so we can quickly dispatch a technician to your location.

Our car lockouts support at Price Unbeatable Towing & Roadside offer quick ETA’s in Portland and the surrounding areas. Call (971) 350-7336 for prompt and friendly assistance.

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24/7 Towing Service Area in Oregon





Forest Grove


Wood Village



Happy Valley


Johnson City



King City

Lake Oswego

Maywood Park


Oregon City


West Linn

Contact details

You can count on us to help you with all of your 24 hour tow needs. Whether you need a fast towing or roadside assistance for truckers, our staff will offer the best assistance! Get in touch with us right now!

  • (971) 350-7336
  • Portland, OR 97201